PERATURAN 7 - KDN Peraturan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan 1990

First and foremost, gaining entry into "private property" such as formal gated communities or condominiums... is different from gaining entry to "public property" such as informal GnG residences. People need to know the difference.

Licensed security guards on duty at "formal gated communities" have the right to ask visitors for MyKad or driving license for recording purposes.

However, security guards at "informal gated communities" do not have the right to do so. In the first place they have no right to block anyone from access to any "public property" residences. The roads do not belong to the RA.

(For example, some ethical RAs in PJ (of informal 'GnG' residences) only instruct their security guards to take down the vehicle's registration no - which is in accordance to MBPJ's guidelines). 

Ethical RAs will follow the guidelines and "the rule of law" but corrupt ones will not as they have their personal agenda. People who are not aware of their rights or the laws will be bullied.

As for informal gated communities (non private property), they have no right to ask for your IC or driving license. (They have no right to stop you from gaining access to a "public property" in the first place - it is illegal for non-strata properties to block roads and then ask for your MyKad details).

RAs, please take note that the above is an offence reportable to the police PDRM.

All "informal G&G residences" under "individual-title" are categorized as under public property and not private property. (Examples here would be all the double-storey link houses in Setia Alam and Bandar Bukit Raja).

Know your rights - the security guard cannot stop you from entering an 'informal GnG' residence (public property), or ask any resident to register each time they want to go home even if they do not join the RA's questionable scheme. 

They also have NO right to ask the public for their MyKad or driving licence when they want to enter any public property such as an informal gated community residence. (That's why it's being termed as "public property" - it belongs to the public, no need for MyKad).

[Only security guards on duty at "formal G&G residences" can ask for your MyKad or driving license. They have the right to do so at "private property" or "strata-titled properties" such as condominiums and formal gated communities. 

They can ask for your identity card for the sole purpose of recording your particulars and then returning it immediately, if you want to gain access to visit your friends or family there. They also cannot retain your MyKad or take a picture of it. (An example of a 'formal gated community' would be Setia Eco Park).

(No one can ask for your MyKad or driving licence except for officers of the government on duty such as the police, customs, immigration, military, etc. under Peraturan 7 - KDN) You can report this offence to PDRM.

[Pengawal keselamatan yang bertugas di kediaman awam (termasuk komuniti berpagar tidak formal - tidak dibenarkan meminta dokumen identiti seperti MyKad ataupun lesen memandu daripada pihak awam. Mereka hanya dibenarkan meminta dokumen identiti pelawat (bagi tujuan rekod butiran) di premis persendirian sahaja seperti di kondominium dan komuniti berpagar yang formal.]

Peruntukan Peraturan 7 Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan 1990 memperuntukkan bahawa hanya seorang pegawai pendaftaran, pegawai polis, pegawai kastam, pegawai tentera atau pegawai lain yang diberi kuasa bertulis oleh Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran sahaja yang dibenarkan untuk meminta dan memeriksa identiti seseorang dengan mengemukakan kad pengenalan.

(Terimakasih & Penghargaan kpd KDN)

"Syarikat Kawalan Keselamatan hanya boleh meminta dokumen identiti pelawat semata-mata bagi tujuan semakan dan rekod kemasukan ke premis dan kemudian mengembalikannya kepada pelawat selepas identiti mereka direkodkan" - ini hanya dibenarkan di premis persendirian sahaja dan tidak termasuk di kediaman awam. (Sila ambil maklum)*

Justeru, pengawal keselamatan hanya boleh meminta dokumen identiti pelawat yang hendak memasuki premis persendirian sahaja (seperti di kondominium dan komuniti berpagar yang diwartakan). Pengawal keselamatan tidak dibenarkan meminta dokumen identiti di kediaman awam.

Secara ringkas, syarat-syaratnya adalah seperti berikut:

1) Dibenarkan meminta dokumen identiti pelawat di premis persendirian sahaja seperti di kondominium dan komuniti berpagar yang diwartakan. (Ini tidak dibenarkan di kediaman awam).

2) Syarikat kawalan keselamatan mestilah berlesen dan berdaftar dengan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN - Lesen Agensi Persendirian)

3) Pengawal keselamatan mestilah memakai pakaian seragam dan lencana sah yang diluluskan KDN (Lampiran 1 di bawah Seksyen 3 Akta No. 27/71 - Pengambilan Pengawal dan Pekerja)

4) Pengawal keselamatan mesti mempunyai KPPK (kad pengenalan pengawal keselamatan) yang sah dan telah melalui program latihan CSG serta tapisan keselamatan KDN.

5) Menepati semua syarat seperti terkandung dalam Lesen Agensi Persendirian dan Seksyen 3 Akta No. 27/71 yang dikeluarkan oleh KDN.